
SBAC is proud to have a professional cricket ground where every week, matches and competitions are held between corporate teams and professional clubs. Students are enthused and motivated by observing and participating in these matches. Our staff , from member institutions, has a cricket team where experienced players are members and won open tournaments. Frequently matches are held between Student team and Staff team.

Other games promoted by our college are Basket ball, Badminton, Volley ball and football. Sports day is an annual event in our college where students get opportunity to exhibit their talents..


Students interested in Dance, Drama, Music and other cultural events participate and enthral visitors and fellow students with their talents. Management is very liberal in recognizing them with sumptuous gifts and prizes.


Sports day is an annual event of Sri Balaji Arts & Science College. College students and college staffs are the participate of the sports meet. Sports are essential for achieving the true education. Aim is to give support to college students to participate in the game, to make them involve and boost their confidence. Spontaneous participation of students in sports day activities inspires everyone. Through sports activities, students are making their lives as pleasant as they like as well as they are moving far in their future career in sports and out of sports.

Tree Planting

College Tree Planting projects help connect students to the benefits of trees and foster environment. Sri Balaji Arts & Science College enhance the tree planting program is a learning opportunity to get students involved in the environment and conservation of our natural resources.


College Bazaar conducted by Sri Balaji Arts & Science College to promote the entrepreneurship between the student. Glittering handmade jewelry , Key chain and other products aimed at young women characterized this ‘College Bazaar’ The jewelry and homemade chocolates seemed to a particular favorite among the students of the college.

01/09/2023 அன்று VITகல்லூரியில் நடைபெற்ற மாபெரும் தமிழ்க்கனவு நிகழ்வில் நம் கல்லூரி மாணவன் இரா.கார்தீஸ்வரன் (மூன்றாம் ஆண்டு வணிகவியல்) பேச்சு போட்டியில் பங்கேற்று “தமிழ் பெருமிதச்செல்வன் ” பரிசு பெற்ற காட்சி

Students participated in the inter college competition held at SDNB Vaishnava college, Chrompet on September 2023. They have participated in various events and our B.Com students won 3rd prize in MIME show.

Fresher's Induction Day Program - July 2024

Fresher’s Induction Programme was successfully celebrated in our college premises on July 5th 2024. Chief guest Thirumuruga Vallal Variyar Swamigal Manavi Smt. Desa Mangayarkarasi graced the occasion by her motivational speech.Our Principal Dr. J. Anudevi and Special Officer         Mr. Radhakrishnan felicitated the Chief Guest.

NSS Officer Mr C. Manikumar organized a Seminar on Drug Free Tamilnadu at our college campus. Spreadding awareness and inspiring change for a better tommorow. All the students attended the seminar. Dr. JC. Jagatheesan Ph D, High Court Advocate, Chennai felicitated the gathering. Our Principal Dr. J. Anudevi and Director Mr. Radhakrishnan honoured the chief guest with momento

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